
Unicycle Duel

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What is Unicycle Duel


Unicycle Duel is an action game between two warriors on unicycles. Control your unicycle and utilize weapons to defeat opponents on all fronts.

Weapons are provided in the game

In this exciting and thrilling game, you will play the role of brave warriors, possessing powerful weapons to confront enemies. Starting the game you will be given a choice of combat weapons and the indispensable one is a unicycle. Weapons will have many different models from classic swords, spears, and knives to modern chainsaws. All of these weapons will help you destroy your opponents more easily. Besides, there are many types of one-wheeled vehicles for you to experience. Each vehicle will be operated differently, but the important thing is still that you control it to be able to keep the warriors standing firmly on the vehicle.

Take action

After choosing your weapon and vehicle, you will begin participating in the official battle. Two warriors on two teams will begin to rush at each other and fight. To win, you need to control the car towards the opponent and then use weapons to attack the opponent directly or attack the opponent's car. Try to attack continuously until you suspect your opponent will fall and you will score points. The match will take place continuously until one minute is up. In the end, whoever has the higher score will be the winner.

Dynamic arena in Unicycle Duel

Participating in the battle you will witness many beautiful arenas. You will appear on a battle platform on the roof of a car or on the fuselage of an airplane. There are also many other arenas that require the player's balance skills to be extremely skilled in order to defeat the opponent. All of these arenas will give you a new perspective and increase the appeal of this interesting game. If you want to know more games with similar gameplay, you can refer to the game Xmas Rooftop Battles!


Player 1:

  • Use WAD keys to move and attack

Player 2:

  • Use up arrow, left arrow, right arrow keys to attack

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